Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's About Time

After lots of prodding from family, friends, and fans, I've decided it's about time to create The Pumpkin Lady Blog. As the leaves change color each fall, emails begin pouring in, many with similar questions...Do you carve pumpkins year round? Can you make a living at that? How long does it take you? How do I follow my dreams? Could you....and so on and so on. So, this year I'm going to blog my artist life with you. And give you this warning: I love my life, but it ain't all wine and roses! My job as a professional pumpkin carver brings a lot of excitement, and more than its share of problems. I'll share with you the ups and downs of being an artist, student, and working mom. I'll even let you in on some of my future goals and plans, so you can keep me accountable and hold me to them!

It's going to be an exciting year, I'm glad you're going along on the ride with me...

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