Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Back on (a new) Track

I could go back...change the dates and times...and catch up on all the days that I missed. But I don't want to do that because I always prefer to keep things honest in my life. The idea of this blog was to create a little bit of Halloween every day for a year. Now, I do still plan on continuing that! However, the wonderful thing about creating something is that it is yours to change, to tweak, to grow or shrink as much as you want. Keeping this blog to just the daily Halloween doesn't somehow feel right to me. I want more.

To give you a brief update of what has happened in this month's absence, I was doing quite well keeping up with things until I got word that there were, shall we say, considerations of making changes that could shut down my son's Governor's school that he attends. Now, I don't have much in life. The Pumpkin Lady has become a mostly seasonal gig, so I'm always trying to make ends meet. I don't own a home. Retirement? Funny. And I probably owe way more on my car than it's worth. The only thing I have to give my son (besides love) is an education. That's it. It's all I have to give and maybe all I will ever have. But that will be enough. So when I hear that any locality, state, or otherwise may take that from him? Well, let's just say that I get a little hot under the collar. So, our days have been spent educating and lobbying for our schools. The good news? The school will stay open for at least another year. The bad news? A lot of painful budget cuts will be our work is not yet done. So, there's still busy days ahead! I apologize for my absence...but not my reason for being absent!

And on a final all of you who were there when we adopted our kittens this past fall...they are wonderful, funny, and bring more joy to our lives than we could have imagined. They are loved dearly and spoiled rotten! Never could I imagine ever letting go of them...or ever letting anyone harm them in any way. I am VERY passionate about my pets and animal welfare. However, what I've really learned about my life is that I am one big hypocrite. I would never allow anyone to hurt my animals ever....and yet every week I spend money at the grocery store, buying meat that is shipped in from factory farms. I've heard somewhat about the cruelty of what goes on in the animal farming industry. But I've never really seen it. Out of sight, out of mind as they say. Now don't get me wrong...there are some amazing farmers that do grow animals for the food industry that allow the animals to be free range, well cared for, and hormone free. I applaud you for leading the way. However, I'm positive that's NOT where my money has been going.

If you want to see for yourself, there are videos on the net. But please be warned, they are graphic, and horrible, and you will never be the same (check out - don't say I didn't warn you!). And need to see that footage. Again, I would NEVER allow anyone to ever harm any animal in my care...and yet, I have been supporting animal abuse and cruelty every week through how I spend my grocery dollars. But those days are over. I have no idea how to change my household to a vegetarian/vegan diet....but so help me God I will.

So, in the days ahead, my forays into a healthier lifestyle will also be added to this blog. If you really want Halloween horror, check out that site I mentioned. If you want a good laugh, keep reading this blog in the days ahead as I blunder about the changes that will and need to be made. And if you have any advice...I'm totally open to it! Recipes? Send them! Great ideas? Let's hear them. Here's to better days ahead for all creatures great and small!

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