Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 44 - Kitten Carnage

It had been a long day...we crash into bed with the sound of galloping cats tearing through the house. We hear the usual scuffle, a random chirp, and the sounds of what we thought were CVP and Sock Monkey browsing through their toy basket. Oh were we soooo wrong. In the morning, I notice what I thought was a random piece of my wool felting. "They must have gotten into the bags last night," I thought. But noooooo! CVP jumped had onto my art shelves, nabbed my little wool felted skulls and cat, and he and his brother proceed to deck the halls fantastic with their little felted shreds! Kitten carnage everywhere! Is nothing sacred? All that's left is roadkill and two happy little cyclops. Sigh. I guess even the cats are into Halloween!

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