Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 4 CVP

This is a perfect digital rendering of CVP since that cat has nosed into everything since we got him! Abandoned by his owner, he arrived with 400 fleas and a screech like a pterodactyl! And he was no bigger than my hand! CVP, Sock Monkey's little brother, may have been the runt of the litter, but he swears that he's a Great Dane. I call him little Napoleon. CVP is yet another of my black cats. I'm sure that you, like everyone else that hears his name, wonders what CVP stands for. Well, the day we got him, my husband received membership to a local ghost hunting group (yes, we truly have Halloween all year long here!). In honor of that special occasion, CVP was named after an EVP. An EVP is an electronic voice phenomena. Ever watch a ghost hunting show and they capture a mysterious voice on the recording that no one audibly heard at the time? That's an EVP. However, CVP is a Cat Voice Phenomena. Only about seven weeks old when we adopted him, he had the voice of a banshee. The little monster could be heard screeching through the whole house! Sounded like a poltergeist running amuck! I'm grateful to say that after a year his voice has left the screech behind and has adopted the melodic trill of Paintball, another of our cats who has mothered him along the way. Thank you Paintball!

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